Sunday, April 5, 2015

April TBR

Another month is gone already??? I'm telling you this year is flying by. Once again I'm five days late on posting this. I've been in bit of a slump you can say. I haven't really felt like doing much other than watching Netflix. Damn you Netflix!!!!! Anywho here is my list of books I hope to read this month.
 photo scarlet_zps3cihg61s.jpg  photo trialbyfire_zpse4wp7hu3.jpg  photo adsom_zpsjy5uj14m.jpg  photo tcgict_zpsfmcryw46.jpg
 photo theboneseason_zpsmkirixs1.jpg  photo gonegirl_zpssct1jkzi.jpg  photo papertowns_zpssljqzvli.jpg  photo meandearlandthedyinggirl_zpsr87hdqjz.jpg
I notice that I have some big name books listed here. Some of them are a bit big on the page count. But as usual I have set my goal high. I failed miserably last month because of my slump. I'm hoping that I'm on my way out of it. So what are you planning to read this month?


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What I'm Currently Reading

 photo saga3_zps7bermxxn.jpg photo saga4_zpsg83h6aw3.jpg  photo lumberjanes_zpszosnsc3m.jpg  photo dracula_zpsmamqsh81.jpg  photo theheir_zpsynxjcj8m.jpg


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